Unity while facing Adversity: COVID, Racial Injustice and Being Heard

"The ultimate measure of a man (or a woman) is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at times of challenge and controversy." - Martin Luther King, Jr. 

This message is for all of the people who lift up their voices for others, sacrifice themselves and their own health to care for family and friends, and those who deserve others to speak up for them.

The pandemic has forced all of us to pause, reflect and create new ways to work and connect with one another.

America was forced to pause and reflect on more killings of unarmed Black Americans at the hands of the police. 

Medical professionals are still on the front lines fighting a virus. Experts are still developing a cure for it. Businesses are still pushing through their struggles to continue offering us their goods and services, and sustain the economy. And all of us are still doing all we can to fight the virus’s spread. 

Through it all, people across the globe have created new ways to connect, unify and speak out.

There have been peaceful protests and community town halls in every state; people from every background, religion and ethnicity have come together to speak out for Black lives and to fight injustice. Communities are speaking up and out about the injustices of health disparities, lack of access to medical supplies, limited access to green spaces, and encouraging neighbors to support the small (especially minority-owned) businesses in our communities. It is the first time that this many people have unified to dismantle barriers, call out privilege, and advocate for system-wide change. 

In fighting for all of this social and systemic change, remember - it is just as important to take care of yourself during these trying times. Take a moment to pause, get outdoors, call a friend or family member, meditate, or learn something new. We are all hurting right now in many ways - it is critical to care for yourself first before continuing on to help others. 

How are you taking care of yourself? What are some of your self-care practices or remedies? Share with the HerChesapeake community in the comments or on social media. We are here for you…